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My Peace:My Priority

Sarah Michael

My peace my priority.

The thing that we forget is that it is down to us to protect our peace, protect our space and protect our mind. Life will inevitably throw quite a few curve balls and it is down to you to deal with this in a way that brings you as much peace as you can absorb. Soak peace up like a sponge! for me, peace is a prayer, a moment of quiet, a nice hot cup of tea, time of stillness, a long scenic walk and sometimes a big plate of hot food! Lol

Peace is personal, be intentional about your peace of mind.

I am continually discovering what brings me peace of mind, often if I am lacking that peace, my body gives me signs and signals of rejection and I know that is time to change the programme. After all this is the only body I have so it is down to me to take god care of it.

Do everything possible to find and keep your peace of mind. ‘My peace I leave with you’ is one of my favourite scriptures, reminding us that the peace has been given to us already but it is ours to protect. Only give your mind to that which will nurture the peace within.

Avoid all the unnecessary dramas and worrying what other people think of you and learn the precious art of being content.

Your peace needs to become your priority because without it you can not do all the amazing things that you hope to do and you will not be able to help the people that you hope to help.

Peace means different things to different people, peace is purpose, peace is tranquillity, peace is laughter, peace is a bill paid on time.

Remember peace is your journey of discovery.

If you need to take walks during your break time at work to protect your peace then do exactly that, if you need to close your eyes, if you need to go on a shopping spree – do exactly that!

Protect your peace and pray to keep your peace. We live in a world that is volatile and busy, if you don’t protect what matters to you, it can easily be taken away. Whatever distracts you from your peace of mind, needs to be pushed away.

Fear is a distraction that obstructs inner peace, wrong narrative is another – what are people saying to you, what are they speaking into your lives?

Destroy that distraction before it destroys you. See yourself as a well, if your well has run dry then maybe you need to ask yourself who/what is causing you to slowly self destruct.

If you have not got a peaceful mind then it means that you are not doing something right, it means that you have not been taking your peace seriously and you literally need to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

There is no overnight solution, there are only daily steps. Make these steps consistent and you will find that you have created an uplifting habit for yourself.

Remember my peace:my priority.

It is not anyone else’s job to protect the peace that was already given to you, it is down to you to protect this peace by all means necessary.

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