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Olivia Gold - Style & Substance!

Sarah Michael

What does it mean to have substance? How do you use your substance to create a lasting impact? One of the definitions that i found for substance is - substantial or solid character or quality

Never neglect your substance (your character-your quality), your substance is your unique contribution to this earth. Use your substance to make an impact and to make a difference. This week Olivia shares her values on Style & Substance: words from Olivia below:

Style & Substance – Olivia Gold

Style and substance are two words that carry a lot of depth in my life, and I hope my view point inspires you to stay positive in moments of adversity.

So many things will hit you which will be out of your control such as career, money, family, friends, life can just get out of control. And that it was happened to me I work in the luxurious and fancy industry of fashion. At one stage I thought I got the job of my dreams I was working for a reputable brand, I was learning from people I had wanted to connect with for so long. And then it all went downhill, I experienced racism, classism and prejudice times. At the moment I didn’t realise it was happening to me (or maybe I was in denial). But the point is I was being let go of a job, that I thought was a pinnacle moment in my career. (God had another plan for me)

I was left at home to my own devises. At first I went through the emotions of being sad, why me, does that mean I’m not good enough? All these question and a thousand more went through my head and heart.

But then (after mediating on various bible verses, a lot of Oprah and reading up on self-help books) it hit me. I AM STILL ME, job or no job, money or no money. I AM STILL ME. I think this is key when it comes to holding on to your substance at any point in your life. Regardless of the outcome and the unfortunate circumstances that may come by in your life. You have to maintain who you are, the skills you have acquired and the work you have done. These are the things no-one can take away from you. YOU are the prize, you are the key, and the grace that carry’s you through your journey.

I sustained and maintained my blog evolving my style and not letting go of a core passion for me and sustained doing my job not at that company but for myself, working for myself. That birthed my company and opened up a door that I always thought about but never took any action! Can you believe the blessing that came out of such a stressful and sad moment that I thought happened.

I built confidence in myself and even more importantly my relationship with God and honouring my purpose in LIFE. Not in a job, a title or status but IN MY PURPOSE IN LIFE.

A few quotes and that really carried my through are:

‘In God, I move and have my being’

‘Potential is bigger than the problem’

‘Pain pushes until the vision is pulled’

Matthew 6:34 - Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own

Check out Olivia by clicking on-

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