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Too Much Baggage

Sarah Michael

When you are about to go on a plane journey, you need to make sure that you check the baggage restrictions before boarding. If you are carrying too much or if you go over the weight allowance then you'll be asked to leave some stuff behind. That is exactly how we should see ourselves, sometimes we are carrying way too much on our shoulders, mentally, spiritually and overall.

You need to learn to put down your baggage from time to time and re-evaluate what it is you are holding on to and why. I speak to a lot of people who are usually carrying other people's problems all the time, there is no use carrying another person's baggage when you are struggling to handle your own. Learn to set your mind free!

Too much baggage will delay your journey because it will slow you down, there is no point holding onto excess baggage that is never going to benefit you. Baggage becomes a burden that leads stress and anxiety because you are constantly trying to hold on, when you should be letting go. For those who go to the gym, you know that when you pick up a weight that is too heavy, it brings you down. Baggage that you shouldn't be carrying will only bring you down.

Re-evaluate your mental state and try to liberate yourself from the unnecessary load. Think of an over flowing wardrobe, there are items that you need to get rid of but if don't then you run out of space in the wardrobe, you forget what fits and what doesn't fit. Don't wait to run out of space in your life and in your day before you get rid of the stuff you don't need.

Another analogy would be when you've eaten so much food and you are struggling to walk or move, you get uncomfortable. This is exactly what excess baggage does to us, it stops us from living our lives comfortably.

Whenever I feel like my mind is too heavy or like I'm carrying too much, I know that I need to stop. If I don't make the decision to stop and pray, then I know that the situation will stop me from progressing in my day. Make sure you can recognise when you are holding on to too much so that you can handle it. If you are someone that doesn't recognise when you are overflowing with baggage then listen to friends and family when they speak to you, sometimes the people that love us are better at evaluating us than we are.

'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'

Liberate yourself and be free from excess baggage!

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